Friday, November 24, 2006

A Mother's Love

This is truly one of the most touching films that's out to be released soon. It documents the real life story of how a mother spent 15 years of her life raising up her daughter - while serving her term in jail. Prepare your tissues as you watch the trailer...

Okok, you knew I was kidding right?? =)

Arrggghhh!!! This is so funny!!!!


Thursday, November 23, 2006

.: Breakout Countdown Party - Visual Concept :.

Here's the first cut on the creative template for the year end's Countdown Party. Yes, you're the first to get a *sneak preview*. The theme is RETRO. Does it look engaging? Evoke a vibrant, dynamic feel? Portray the retro-age concept? Convey BREAKOUT?

Feel free to share your comments with me.


Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm B.A.C.K.!

I've gone on a little hiatus recently due to new challenges at work and a busier than usual schedule. Anyway, I'm back and leading the pack! (see pic below - courtesy of Seh Suan)

Ok, somebody please tell me I'm terrible at rhyming. I was never good at poems anyway. Whenever I wrote autograph books, I was always stuck after "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue..."

Well, events have passed by quickly and there are updates to share on my surprise birthday celebration, recent kelong trip and first group meet-up with my ironman training buddies.

Meanwhile, Countdown Party 2006 is into full swing and I'm putting in the mileage on my runs for the upcoming Standard Chartered Marathon. Here's my run log for last week:

Distance: 32km

Ave. Heart Rate: 72% Max

Heart Rate: 80% (for 15mins)

Total Time: 3hrs 20mins

A great run which totally pushed me past the pain barrier. Josh, my training partner, was running on pure adrenalin into the last 5km of our run and I had to force myself to get out of cruising zone and step into 4th gear to keep up. A shock to the system, but necessary. My left knee needs some strengthening. It hurts terribly after 1.5 hrs.

Next distance: 35km


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Little Blessings, Thougtful Hearts..

Here's a hearty THANK YOU to all who blessed me with birthday wishes and made my otherwise hectic day a truly meaningful one. Honestly, I've never quite received so many birthday smses in my entire 28 years! They came from every sphere of life... secondary school friends, church buddies, colleagues, cell group members, old friends, new ones... family members...

I guess it didn't matter that the usual small group gathering with close friends didn't materialse, what mattered most was knowing that friends care and the little blessings go a long way to reflect thoughtful and loving hearts.

My brother did a special blog entry which shall go down in history as one of my most memorable birthday blessings. How touching when you have a younger brother do that for you! (Read the blog entry - )

A celebration with the family will probably happen on the 3rd of November, which happens to be my dad's birthday. I can't wait. A first for us in our new apartment.

How wonderful it is to celebrate life, and in the midst of it, to enjoy the relationships that hold us all together.


I've not been blogging in a while due to heavier work commitments towards the end of last month, but will try to squeese out time to update in the midst of taking sanity breaks =)

Cheers to a beautiful November.
