Thursday, October 19, 2006

Friends of past, friends at heart.

There are some people who say that the friends you make in school are some of the best friends you will make in life. Well, I tend to agree with that notion. I've always wondered what ever happened to the friends and classmates I had from school, especially the ones back from Primary and Secondary school. Yup, those pre-teen and teen years... the growing up years where you can still vividly recall the fun and exciting moments, the sad and heartbreaking ones, the naughty and mischevious times... memories like these remain etched in your mind and never seem to leave you, don't they??

It's hard to keep in touch with people sometimes, especially if, like me, I don't have the habit of keeping phone numbers and addresses. And so it may take years before you finally bump into old friends again. By then you would already have discovered them entering into the mature stages of life... some married, some with babies, some walking hand-in-hand with kids by their side...

It's always a nice blessing when God chooses to bring good, old friends back together again. Ahh... the wonder of the internet, I don't think we could have found each other in such a short time without MSN. So it's gonna be a reunion of sorts where we'll gather to talk excitedly about the past and catch up on the present.

The date has been set. Next Monday, I'll be meeting up with a group of them. I always carried images of them as 15, 16 year olds in my memory for so long, I wonder how much they would have changed over the course of time. Would I be able to recognise them? Would they have the same personality quirks? Would we be able to pick up from where we left off 14 years ago?

I'm looking forward to next week's gathering. I reckon Mr. Monday Blues would have to wait a week later to hit me. One of them is flying in from U.K. with her hubby. I'll check out the British accent =P

Oh! And someone please remind me to bring along a camera...



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