Monday, July 09, 2007

Gearing Up!

My second key race of the race is coming up this September. Yes, it's back to the familiar training grounds of East Coast Park and Changi Coastal. Putting in the mileage, pushing the pace, focusing in on the goal. However, this time round, it feels tougher.

It's the consistency of training that's hard to keep if you have a schedule that's as packed as mine. Believe me, it ain't easy. With a thousand and one things going on right now, it's difficult to manage. But I'm reminded time and again that this arduous journey develops character... many a times through having to subject oneself to the rigors of disciplined training. Not just in triathlon itself, but at work, ministry, family and relationships.

There are times when we set goals and feel unmotivated to achieve them. Do we then put them aside and cruise along in our lethargic state? Much as I am tempted to, I know goals must be achieved whether i feel like it or not. Just like sales targets have got to be met whether you like your boss or feel motivated to work or not. To work at it isn't quite the issue for me, to work at it excellently is sometimes my struggle, but I strive at it always, sometimes doggedly and in pain. But finishing well and strong has always been my personal philosophy and work ethic, so I know I will press in.

Honestly, I do enjoy the process. I love the sport, and I enjoy the challenge of balancing my priorities in life. It stretches me. It keeps me alive. It makes me grow. It increases my capacity. Above all, it never fails to remind me of the 3 simple truths:

1) I'm only human.
2) There is a God.
3) I need Him.

Have a wonderful week ahead of you!



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