Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Ironman Pics

Hi, I'm back after a short hiatus to post up some overdue pics of Ironman Langkawi. These were taken mainly by Huimei, our wonderful supporter who made the trip up with us with 2 cameras in tow. Some pics aren't as clear as she was testing out her new Nikon SLR - on manual mode! I heard many shots of me didn't come out on the negatives at all. *sobs* Then again, maybe they were the unglam ones... me running with mouth wide open or with sponges stuffed into my tri suit. Anyhow, looking at these pics over and over again makes the Ironman journey seem so surreal...

Discussing strategy. (nah... it was our time of sharing)

Yoyo.. my number's 133, yea you know me...

Fierce. This is known as the I'll-chop-you-to-pieces warm up.

Stretching my hamstrings.

Final group shot before we hit the water for the warm-up swim.

Bike transition area.
You find all types of bikes there. From steel to full custom carbon.

The amazingly l-o-o-o-o-ng swim.

Look at how fast the lead swimmer is.
The chase pack is a good 20m behind.
And I'm nowhere to be found.

Here's the blind competitor riding a tandem bike with his partner.
They're using HED tri-spoke wheels! Ultra cool!

Coming out of T1.

On the bike reaching out for a salt tablet.
Oh look! I've passed a guy with Zipp wheels!

You've just got to salute this guy.

Look at the couple behind taking a stroll. I just had to beat him.
But when it's finally my turn with my significant other,
I think I'll... yea, take a stroll too.

Adrenalin still pumping. I look like I'm ready to do another Ironman.

The signboard says it all.

Dead tired after the race.



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